Gardens come into their own in the spring and summer months, but even the most colourful oasis can shrivel into a drab, muddy squib in winter if not maintained.
If you want to sigh with contentment while looking at the view from your kitchen window from September to March, then Sue Dilworth, aka The Garden Fairy, reveals how it's done.
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Here she shares her top tips on how to keep your garden looking gorgeous all year round.

Spring gardening
Jobs for March and April
Deadhead daffodils and other spring bulbs but leave the foliage to die back naturally
Feed ericaceous shrubs like rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and pieris
Take time to tidy up the borders and remove any new or established weeds before they take hold
Use a general-purpose fertiliser over flowerbeds to give shrubs a boost as they start to grow
Jobs for April and May
Prune hydrangeas, plant out sweet peas and reinvigorate clumps of hardy perennials by dividing them
Check for pests in your garden – aphids on roses can be rubbed off at this stage to prevent a big infestation
Treat mildew, rust and blackspot with a fungicide if necessary and protect seedlings from slugs and snails
Install a water butt to collect rain from all the April showers
Summer gardening
Jobs for May and June
Plant out dahlia tubers once the frost has passed
Prune back spring flowering shrubs like forsythia to keep them in shape
Tie in the new shoots of climbing plants like clematis to train them to their supports
Start to remove faded spring bedding and replace with summer bedding plants once the risk of frost is over
Check regularly for pests on the underside of leaves
In June give your wisteria a summer prune and make sure tall perennials are supported before they need it to avoid breakage later on
Feed containers and hanging baskets with a liquid feed every couple of weeks and make sure they are watered regularly
Jobs for July and August
Hoe your borders regularly to make sure perennial weeds don’t seed and keep an eye out for pests like snails and aphids
Make sure you're watering and feeding plants regularly, particularly sweet peas and roses.
Pick sweet peas regularly to keep them flowering and deadhead containers and baskets too
Keep camellias and rhododendrons well watered in the late summer as this is when the buds are forming for next year
If you have wildflower meadow areas, strim or mow them in August to tidy up
Plant autumn bulbs in pots and borders
Autumn gardening
Jobs for September
If you're growing hardy annuals from seed, now is the time to do so while the soil is warm
Collect ripe seeds from your favourite plants when they are dry and keep in labelled envelopes (paper not plastic)
Fill gaps in your border with late flowering perennials like Sedums to provide nectar for pollinators and plant spring bulbs in containers and borders
Keep feeding and deadheading summer bedding until first frosts – they should last with some tender loving care
Jobs for October and November
Raise up pots and containers so they don’t become waterlogged and protect tender perennials from potential frosts by lifting and moving inside if possible
Start to plant up autumn bedding like cyclamen and skimmia to brighten up borders and containers
Empty old summer bedding from pots and baskets and compost
Make sure you clean the containers before replanting or store out of the way until next use
Once the temperature is consistently below 10 degrees for a week or longer, then you can plant out your Tulip bulbs – any earlier and you risk Tulip Fire (a fungal disease)
Winter gardening
Jobs for November and December
Top up bird baths with fresh water and melt ice on frosty days
Clean and sharpen all your tools ready for next year and service your lawn mower so it’s ready for action
As foliage will have died back, this is a good time to repair fences and treat with preservatives if the weather is dry
Jobs for January and February
Plant bare-root roses, shrubs and hedging as long as the ground isn't frozen
Clear away any soggy perennials which have collapsed over the winter
Clear any fallen leaves so smaller plants don’t get smothered
Deadhead winter bedding regularly and move any dormant plants that are in the wrong place to a better position