Offers in region of
1 bed flat for saleThornaby Place, Thornaby, Stockton-On-Tees TS17
1 bed
1 bath
1 reception
EPC Rating: C
- Leasehold
Bridgfords - Middlesbrough Sales
About this property
A well presented, one bedroom ground floor apartment that has been finished to the highest standard and also benefits from security access. Waterloo house is ideally located in a private, quiet development overlooking the River tees with easy access to the A66 and a short walk to Thornaby Train Station, Riverside College and Durham University. This apartment offers modern spacious versatile living comprising entrance hallway, fully fitted modern bathroom, one generously sized master bedroom and open plan kitchen and dining area. Ideal for first time buyers and due to the high demand for rental properties on this development this apartment is also a perfect investment opportunity.
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Leasehold (Ask agent)
Service charge
Council tax band
A band has not yet been confirmed.
Ground rent
Ground rent date of next review