Offers over
1 bed flat for salePembroke Court, Pendlebury, Swinton, Manchester M27
1 bed
1 bath
1 reception
EPC Rating: C
- Leasehold
Bridgfords - Swinton Sales
About this property
* Studio apartment
* Contemporary kitchen and bathroom
* Secure door entry and fob system
* Wired for TV/DAB Radio/Broadband
* Communal areas heated and cleaned
* New dg/Heating throughout
Studio apartment offering chic living at A great price. Features include: Secure door entry system with key fob, wired for all entertainment needs, plenty of storage cupboards/wardrobes, feature glass block divider to bedroom, open plan lounge/diner and fitted kitchen and shower rooms.
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More information
Leasehold (108 years)
Service charge
£600 per year
Council tax band
A band has not yet been confirmed.
Ground rent
Ground rent date of next review