2 bed bungalow for sale Mistletoe Row, Tenbury Wells WR15
2 beds
1 bath
- Unfurnished
- Freehold
Mary Stone Properties
About this property
The Dahoon is a charming two-bedroom bungalow.
On entering, there’s a good-sized hallway with both bedrooms at the front of the property. Following the hallway through the property, there is a family bathroom and storage cupboard on the left, then double doors leading to the open-plan living room and kitchen/dining room. This room offers
plenty of space for you to enjoy, from preparing a family meal to taking some time to relax. There are also double-doors leading from the living room out into the back garden
Stamp duty calculator
We've updated our calculator to take into account the stamp duty cut announced by the chancellor on 23 September 2022. Read more stamp duty news and how stamp duty works