(£198/sq. ft)
2 bed flat for saleGascoigne Close, (40% Share), Tottenham, London N17
2 beds
1 bath
1 reception
607 sq. ft
- Leasehold
Foxtons - Wood Green
About this property
Great location
Gated estate
Large double rooms
Separate kitchen
Good size Living room
Fabulous and well proportionated apartment, comprises of two double bedroom, separate kitchen, ample bathroom and large living room leading to a private balcony.
Situated in a gated estate this property is next to the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium with easy access to numerus amenities like shopping center, independent shops, cafes and leisure center with in walking distance.
Please use the reference PTNY5251393 when contacting Foxtons.
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More information
Leasehold (Ask agent)
Service charge
Council tax band
Ground rent
Ground rent date of next review