1 bed flat for saleLinnet Way, Purfleet-On-Thames, Essex RM19
1 bed
1 bath
1 reception
EPC Rating: C
- Chain free
- Leasehold
Bairstow Eves - South Ockendon
About this property
*************** chain free ****************
Spacious modern one-bedroom apartment. Ample private parking to the front and left of property. Located in close proximity to Purfleet train station, which offers convenient links to London Fenchurch Street. Lakeside shopping centre is just a short drive away, providing a wide range of shopping options, easy access to the m25, the location is perfect. Additionally, it is important to mention that this property falls under Council Tax Band A, and it comes with the added advantage of a remaining lease of 155 years. Service charge paid up until July 2025.
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More information
Leasehold (155 years)
Service charge
£1,845 per year
Council tax band
A band has not yet been confirmed.
Ground rent
Ground rent date of next review