Offers over
5 bed detached house for saleManor Park Close, Tilehurst, Reading RG30
5 beds
3 baths
3 receptions
- Freehold
Village Properties, Reading
About this property
Five bedrooms
Kitchen/dining room
Cul de sac
Double garage
Living/dining room
Side access
Parking for several cars
Vp - Presented to the market is this five bedroom detached house with a double garage, off road parking for several cars and located in a cul de sac. The property is within easy access to bus routes, amenities, parks and schools. The accommodation comprises entrance hallway, WC, kitchen/dining room, living/dining room and sun room. On the first floor there are five bedrooms, en suite to master bedroom and a family bathroom suite. Externally there is a well maintained front and rear gardens.
Council tax band - F
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