1 bed flat for saleThornhill Court, Crescent Road N8
1 bed
1 bath
1 reception
- Share of Freehold
Castles - Crouch End
About this property
Recently refurbished, one bedroom, ground floor apartment
Moments’ walk of Crouch End Broadway
Highgate side on this highly desirable residential road
Bedroom, reception, separate kitchen and shower room
Beautifully maintained front and rear communal gardens and own garage
Set within this attractive and intimate purpose built block is this recently refurbished, ground floor apartment. Ideally located within a moments’ walk of Crouch End Broadway on the preferred Highgate side on this highly desirable residential road.
Comprising one-bedroom, reception, separate kitchen, and shower room. Further benefitting from beautifully maintained front and rear communal gardens and own garage.
Local Authority: Haringey
Council Tax Band: B
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More information
Share of freehold
Service charge
£1,440 per year
Council tax band
Ground rent
Commonhold details