Local area guide

Living in Chingford Hatch

Thinking about moving to Chingford Hatch? Discover why it's a great place to live, fun things to do here, what the local schools are like, transport connections and so much more.

Your guide to moving to Chingford Hatch

Why Chingford Hatch is a good place to live

Living in Chingford Hatch seems a touch of country bliss without having to depart from the conveniences of the city. You're on the brink of Epping Forest, a majestic oasis that offers a respite from city bustle. The area's location in Zone 5 ensures a swift train commute to central London, scoring high on accessibility. Everyday conveniences are aplenty, with supermarkets, retails stores and eateries within easy reach. You're privy to splendid views, thanks to placid reservoirs in the west and 6,000-acre Epping Forest to the north, ensuring you're connected to nature while living in Chingford Hatch.

What's Chingford Hatch famous for?

Nestled in Chingford Hatch or its proximal region, two prominent historical landmarks draw visitors. One is the vintage Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge, commissioned by Henry VIII and now thriving as a museum. The other notable structure is Saint Anne's Church, growing from a Mission Room in 1891 to a full-fledged church in 1953. Chingford Hatch is famous for its fascinating connection to the royal hunting grounds heritage, a tiny slice of history that adds an element of intrigue.

Things to do in Chingford Hatch

Chingford Hatch puts you in perfect proximity to Epping Forest, offering trails, wildlife viewing, and a cycling path stretching 8 miles. Outdoor activities unfold aplenty, with opportunities to go horseback riding at Barnfields Stables or joining the local sports clubs for some action. If you're culturally inclined, cultural events by Chingford Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society could be of interest. The annual Chingford Village Festival and ChingFest offer family-friendly fun. For history buffs, a visit to Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge and other historical sites in the area could make for an educational day out.

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Properties currently for sale in Chingford Hatch

Whether you're looking to buy a family home or a beautiful apartment, we've got you covered.

Transport in Chingford Hatch

Find the nearest train stations and other transport links in Chingford Hatch.

Local connections

Highams Park
National Rail
0.8 miles / 1.3 km
National Rail
1 miles / 1.6 km
1.4 miles / 2.3 km
Roding Valley
1.5 miles / 2.4 km
Buckhurst Hill
1.7 miles / 2.7 km
South Woodford
2 miles / 3.2 km

Schools in Chingford Hatch

Discover local primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges in Chingford Hatch.

Education in Chingford Hatch

Longshaw Primary Academy
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Whitehall Primary School
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Heathcote School & Science College
Ages: 11 - 18 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2024)
Trinity Catholic High School
Ages: 11 - 18 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
Woodford Green Primary School
Ages: 2 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)
St Antony's Catholic Primary School
Ages: 3 - 11 years old
Ofsted Rating: Good (2023)

Local pubs in Chingford Hatch

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