Zoopla.co.uk adds new feature and gives agents a voice

Zoopla.co.uk, the UK's fastest growing property website and most active property community, has today launched an innovative, new feature (AskMe Questions & Answers) which enables agents to communicate directly with consumers about anything property-related.

AskMe Q&A is the first community feature of its kind in the UK and agents can browse user-generated questions in their area and share their local knowledge by answering questions posted by users of Zoopla.co.uk.

Agents who actively engage with AskMe Q&A will be able to demonstrate their expertise by building their online profile and getting points each time they answer a question or their contribution is rated by a Zoopla.co.uk user as helpful. Agents sharing their local knowledge directly with the community will be featured on the Zoopla.co.uk website as Local Experts.

Sample questions from Zoopla.co.uk users include:

  • What are house prices like in my area for a two bedroom flat?

  • How many local schools are nearby and how good are they?

  • Are there any tennis courts or other sports facilities nearby?

Alex Chesterman, CEO and founder of Zoopla.co.uk said: "AskMe Q&A is a further extension of our mission to help connect property consumers and professionals in the most efficient way possible. By continuing to innovate in the property market, Zoopla.co.uk is fast-becoming the most effective way for agents to gain exposure and leads and to develop relationships with their future customers.

"Local market knowledge is one of the key criteria in the decision making process of potential sellers in selecting an agent. Through our AskMe Q&A feature agents will be able to raise their profile and engage with homeowners early on in the decision-making process and offer advice and local knowledge that will enhance their business reputation. AskMe Q&A will no doubt help the agents who are local experts to gain market share over time as local owners go to agents who they trust and have built a relationship with."

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Notes to editors

AskMe Q&A categories

General, Home Finance, Home Improvement, House Prices, Renting, Safety & Crime, Schools, Selling, Transport, Using Zoopla.co.uk

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