Zoopla.co.uk continues to grow market share in October

According to the latest figures released by comScore, visitor traffic to each of the UK's top 5 property websites fell in October, with the exception of Zoopla.co.uk. The figures reveal that unique audience numbers in October shrank by more than 8% at Digital Property Group, by 5% at propertyfinder.com and by 0.5% at Rightmove, whilst Zoopla.co.uk delivered another month of double digit growth.

Unsurprisingly given the pattern of previous years, overall visitor traffic to the top 5 UK property websites fell by almost 3% from 7.96 million in September to 7.74 million in October, with Zoopla.co.uk standing alone in bucking the seasonal trend and continuing to increase its market share with a remarkable increase in visitors of almost 14% in October compared to September.

In terms of absolute growth in unique visitors, the recently announced preferred measure of Digital Property Group (DPG) which according to them "shows the true volume of consumer preference", the figures reveal that the audience at their main portal, Findaproperty, fell by 203,000 unique users in October versus an impressive gain of 81,000 unique users for Zoopla.co.uk.

Zoopla Limited, which recently completed the integration of its recent acquisitions onto its single technology platform, now controls both Zoopla.co.uk and Propertyfinder.com, and the current figures do not include the combined traffic as the integration took place in early November, after the end of the period reported by comScore.

Alex Chesterman, CEO of Zoopla Limited, commented: "No matter how one chooses to look at the latest figures, Zoopla.co.uk once again retains its title as the fastest growing UK property portal and continues to grow its market share. With the recent integration of the propertyfinder.com audience, we are now in a great position to continue our growth and offer even greater exposure and leads for our agent members."

Unique visitors to UK's top 5 property portals

(source: comScore Oct 09)

Oct-09 ('000s)

Sep-09 ('000s)

% change MoM

Abs change MoM































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