Our analysis of 30m home valuations reveals the average UK property has gone up in value by £48 a day since February 2020.
That’s around £38,000 since the pandemic started.
In total, a mind boggling £1.3 trillion has been added to the total value of UK property since Covid first reached our shores, meaning our housing stock is now worth £10.1 trillion.
Its arrival triggered a significant increase in the appetite for residential property in the UK, creating a housing market boom at levels not seen since 2006.
That exceptionally high demand, alongside a more flexible working lifestyle, led the nation to re-evaluate its housing needs and get moving, driving up property values across the country.
Many homeowners have already capitalised on recent gains, with 1 in 17 privately owned homes changing hands in 2021.
The biggest increase in values were seen in St Albans, Waverley and Devon, while the biggest losses were suffered in the City of London, Tower Hamlets and Fermanagh and Omagh in Northern Ireland.
How much has your home risen in value since February 2020? Find out by clicking on your region with our interactive map.
Or simply pop the first part of your postcode into this tool and we’ll show you how much homes in your specific area have risen in the last 27 months.
The winners
St Albans in Hertfordshire tops the charts in value gains since the pandemic began.
The only local authority to achieve daily growth of more than £100 a day, homes in St Albans have earned £106 every 24 hours since February 2020.
The city is hotly followed by Waverley in Surrey and South Hams in coastal Devon, which came in joint second place, seeing value gains of £98 a day.
In total, homes in 17 local authorities went up by £80 a day or more throughout the last 27 months.
Those homes were mainly in the South East, with Elmbridge, Mole Valley, Lewis and Worthing all making the top eight.
One London Borough also made the top 10: leafy Bromley, known for its good schools, green spaces, plentiful shops and easy commuting routes into London.
Local authorities with daily house price growth of £80 or more since the pandemic began

Zoopla's Executive Director Richard Donnell says, "The boom in demand for homes created by the pandemic has pushed the value of homes higher. The gains over the last year are the largest since 2006 but they are far from uniform.
"Every homeowner experiences the impact of the market through the changing value of their own property and there has never been a better time to keep track of your property, which is likely to be your biggest asset.
"Rising home values unlock new opportunities for homeowners considering their next move.
"An exodus of older workers from the labour market over the pandemic, together with more working from home, is driving more households to look further afield for their next home to get greater value for money.
"Not everyone has seen home values increase. Affordability is holding back prices in London and southern England and our analysis reveals the centre of gravity of the housing market is shifting northwards.
"The largest gains in value are being seen in more affordable areas where there is further room for price growth, even with modest increases in mortgage rates."
And the losers…
The biggest losses in home values since February 2020 were seen by homeowners in the City of London.
Here properties decreased in value by £40 a day as the capital came to a complete standstill in lockdown.
Kensington and Chelsea homeowners suffered the second biggest losses with homes declining by £8 a day in value, followed by Westminster (-£5) and in Scotland, Aberdeen (-£4).
These local authorities were worst hit at the start of the pandemic.
However, homeowners here will be pleased to learn that modest price gains have offset a large part of initial value losses since then.
Local authorities with daily house price growth of £20 or less since the pandemic began

What’s the outlook?
“Looking ahead, we expect the increase in the value of homes to slow over the next 12 months,” says Donnell. “But each and every home will have its individual journey.
“More and more homeowners are signing up to tracking the value of their home, as well as those of friends and family and possible new purchases on Zoopla.
“This allows them to make better informed decisions on what investments to make in their own home or how the value of their current home opens up opportunities to make that next move.”
You can track the value of your own home - or a friend or family member’s home - on Zoopla, with monthly alerts delivered straight to your inbox.