The Bank of England has cut the base rate to 4.5%. Here’s how it could impact the mortgage market and what it all means for your next deal.
Buying, selling or renting? Explore the latest property news, market updates and insightful analysis for the UK housing market with Zoopla's property experts.
The Bank of England has cut the base rate to 4.5%. Here’s how it could impact the mortgage market and what it all means for your next deal.
Did you know a new build can be a far more affordable option than an older property?
A deep dive into why new homes are built to a much higher standard compared to older homes.
The housing market in 2025 is off to a better start than the previous two years. More people are now looking to buy and the outlook for market activity bodes well.
The average UK home is now worth £2,400 more than it was 6 months ago. But if you own a terraced property in the north, it's likely to be a lot more than that.
Sales market activity has rebounded over 2024 as buyers and sellers return to the market. This has boosted sales volumes, but buyers remain price-sensitive, especially in the wake of the Budget and uncertainty over the outlook for mortgage rates in 2025.
Londoners stay put the longest before going on the market, while those in the North up sticks faster. Find out what's happening where you live.
Annual rents rise by £3,240 in 3 years, with the fastest increases taking place in the most affordable areas of the UK. Find out what’s going to happen to the rents in 2025 with our Rental Market Report.
What will happen to house prices and mortgage rates in 2025? Our special forecast edition of the House Price Index reveals the big housing market trends for next year.