Offers over
1 bed flat for saleMann Island, Liverpool, Merseyside L3
1 bed
1 bath
1 reception
EPC Rating: B
- Leasehold
Entwistle Green - Liverpool City Sales
About this property
Stunning Views
Entwistle Green are delighted to offer for sale this one bedroom apartment in the very modern and sought after Mann Island development. Inside you are greeted by an ultra modern atrium. The apartment comprises of hallway, open plan lounge with modern lounge and modern kitchen with a large and stylish bedroom and generous size bathroom. Viewings are highly recommended to appreciate this apartment.
Attention investors! Flat currently achieving £850pcm in rent.
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More information
Leasehold (111 years)
Service charge
£1,300 per year
Council tax band
A band has not yet been confirmed.
Ground rent
Ground rent date of next review