Selling a home
You’re ready to make the leap and move somewhere new. So how do you get started with the selling process? From getting your home valued to choosing the right estate agent, here’s how it’s done.
What you'll need to do
1 Get started with your sale

First things first, you’ll need to find out how much your home is worth. Then you’ll want to know the best time to put it on the market to attract the most buyers. Here’s how to get started with selling your home.

2 Decide how to sell

Whether you’re choosing the traditional route with an estate agent or going off piste with a property auction, we’ve got all the info you’ll need to help you choose the best way for you.

3 Prepare your home for sale

You’ll want to secure the maximum price for your most valuable possession. Here, experienced estate agents reveal their top tips for helping you to do just that.

4 Select the right professionals

When selling your home, you'll need to a team of people to help, from estate agents to solicitors or conveyancers. Here's how to find the best in the business.

5 Pricing your home

How much should you sell your home for, how can you be sure you've set the price right and how do you know which offer to accept? Let's find out.

6 Look after your finances

From mortgage rates and stamp duty to capital gains tax and indemnity insurance, let's go through the financial intricacies of selling a home.

7 Legal and paperwork

The boring but essential bit. From all the fiddly paperwork you’ll need to fill out to sorting those final bill payments, here’s the lowdown on the paperwork side of a home sale.

8 Manage your chain and move out

You're in the dreaded chain and everything can feel as delicately balanced as a stack of cards. Here’s how to keep things moving, while keeping your cool. You’ve got this.