To buy a home in the UK, first-time buyers are saving between £26,400 and £144,500. Find out how much people are saving to buy a home in different areas of the UK.
To buy a home in the UK, first-time buyers are saving between £26,400 and £144,500. Find out how much people are saving to buy a home in different areas of the UK.
Leeds Building Society has teamed up with Experian to incorporate regular direct debit payments into credit scores for first-time buyers.
Nearly four in 10 first-time buyers are taking out mortgages with a term of between 30 to 35 years, while 17% choose one that's even longer.
Skipton Building Society has introduced a 100% no-deposit mortgage, which allows renters to buy their first home without a deposit. Here's everything you need to know about the new no-deposit mortgage.
The number of mortgage deals available has broken through the 5,000 barrier for the first time in more than a year.
The rapid rise in house prices over the last three years means first-time buyers now need to earn more to buy a home. Let’s look at the options.
It's cheaper to buy the home you rent in many regions outside of southern England. If you're a renter looking to become a first-time buyer, is now the time to make a move?
What if the rent you paid could be saved towards your deposit instead? New homes developer Fairview has launched a scheme that does exactly that.
As part of the government's drive to help more people to own their own home, a new initiative has launched to enable eligible social housing tenants to buy a share of their property.