House prices have fallen 0.1% over the last year while market activity continues to improve with a higher supply and more sales agreed. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for May 2024.
Buying, selling or renting? Explore the latest property news, market updates and insightful analysis for the UK housing market with Zoopla's property experts.
House prices have fallen 0.1% over the last year while market activity continues to improve with a higher supply and more sales agreed. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for May 2024.
The announcement of the UK general election for July 4th 2024 has come earlier than expected—but what does this mean for the housing market?
A third of homes for sale are cheaper to buy than rent, with the average first-time buyer saving £93 a month on a mortgage instead of renting.
New research finds that period properties cost the equivalent of a small mortgage in maintenance and upkeep.
New data reveals the huge energy savings found with new-build homes, cutting bills by 57% or £1,685 a year on average.
The challenges facing first time buyers and uspizers right now all boil down to one thing: affordability. And buyers in the south of England are suffering the most on this front. Our Executive Director of Research, Richard Donnell, takes a look at what’s happening in the housing market.
The supply of homes for sale has hit a five year high with 20% more homes on the market compared to this time last year.
House prices fall -0.2% over the last year while market activity improves with more sales and mortgage approvals. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for April 2024.
Buyer confidence is improving and 12% more homes are going under offer compared to this time last year. Mortgage approvals for home purchases are also up 32%.