The Bank of England has cut the base rate to 4.5%. Here’s how it could impact the mortgage market and what it all means for your next deal.
The Bank of England has cut the base rate to 4.5%. Here’s how it could impact the mortgage market and what it all means for your next deal.
From sorting an agreement in principle to arranging the mortgage offer, how do you apply for a mortgage when you're a first-time buyer? Let's take a look.
Want to give buy-to-let a go? Here’s our complete guide to becoming a landlord, from getting a mortgage and choosing a property to finding the right tenant.
About to apply for a mortgage and not sure how to prepare? Here's how to get lender-approval ready and boost your chances of success.
Want to renegotiate the price of the property you’re buying? Our guide has the ins and outs on how it could affect your mortgage offer.
Ready to start looking for a mortgage and not sure where to start? Let a mortgage broker guide you. They have access to deals that aren't always available on the high street.
What is the Bank Rate? Why do interest rates change? And what does it all mean for your mortgage repayments? Here’s everything you need to know about interest rates and how they affect you.
Retirement interest-only mortgages are designed to help those who can't repay their mortgage in full when they retire. Here's how they work.
With Brits living and working longer than ever, more of us want to take out mortgages later in life.