New-build homeowners and renters are expected to save £3,000 on gas and electricity from April, compared with those living in more traditional homes, according to the Home Builders Federation.
New-build homeowners and renters are expected to save £3,000 on gas and electricity from April, compared with those living in more traditional homes, according to the Home Builders Federation.
Here's a breakdown of the average energy bill to give you a better idea of where your money is going.
If you're worried that your fixed deal is up this year, you’re not alone. 57% of people who need to remortgage in 2023 are coming off two-year deals fixed at 2% rates.
Here at Uswitch, we're asked lots of questions about energy suppliers, bills and switching. Here are the answers to some of your most common queries.
Despite the latest increase to the Bank Rate, mortgage rates are expected to continue to edge downwards during the coming weeks.
Lenders have agreed to adopt a more flexible approach for those hit by the rising cost of living, offering tailored support for homeowners who run into difficulties.
Here are some practical ways landlords can help tenants and applicants who might be at risk of homelessness.
Not for the vast majority of homeowners. Even a 15% reduction in house prices would mean very few cases of negative equity for mortgaged sales up to the end of 2021.
A new era of financial and economic stability, falling mortgage rates and rental market reforms. What Rishi Sunak has in store for the housing market.