Will the recent stamp duty cuts be enough to offset rising mortgage rates for buyers and home movers? Zoopla’s Research Director Richard Donnell shares his views.
Will the recent stamp duty cuts be enough to offset rising mortgage rates for buyers and home movers? Zoopla’s Research Director Richard Donnell shares his views.
The value of the pound has tumbled following Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-Budget. We take a look at what it’s likely to mean for mortgage rates.
Thinking about getting solar panels? They can be a great way to save on energy bills but there’s a lot to weigh up. Here’s our guide to solar panels and whether they’re worth the cost.
Nearly two million homeowners face higher mortgage repayments after the Bank of England hikes rates by 0.5.%
One in four landlords have frozen rents, while 22% have offered a payment holiday.
Demand for two-bed apartments on the up as renters try to combat rising rent and energy costs.
The average household will see their energy bills frozen at £2,500 a year until October 2024.
Renters in both the public and private sectors in Scotland will be protected from eviction as part of measures designed to help with the cost of living crisis.
With the cost of living rising, some homeowners may find themselves struggling to meet their monthly mortgage repayments. Here’s what to do if it's happening to you.