Mortgage product choice increases as nearly 900 deals are added, while mortgage rates could ease as the market shows signs of stabilising.
Mortgage product choice increases as nearly 900 deals are added, while mortgage rates could ease as the market shows signs of stabilising.
The fund aims to give homeowners more financing options for energy efficient home improvements.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt axes the majority of tax cuts from the mini-Budget but changes to stamp duty remain in place. What does it all mean for the housing market?
The number of over-40s taking out 35-year mortgages has risen by nearly 40% this year. Higher house prices and the cost-of-living squeeze is thought to be driving the trend.
How have home buyers reacted since the mini budget? And what should those who are moving - or considering a move - do now?
Those who do go ahead with a purchase are opting for longer mortgage terms due to the cost-of-living squeeze.
The pandemic-led property boom leads to affordability problems, as some parts of the UK experience 10 years' price growth in the space of just two years.
With mortgage rates set to hit 5% by the end of this year, which areas are going to be hit hardest and what can buyers do to combat rising rates?
More than 900 deals were withdrawn in one day as lenders looked to reprice their loans. But the move is set to be temporary as lenders reassess their rates.